The planet Necros, the future. The Doctor arrives for the cryogenic interment of an old friend at Tranquil Repose, a vast repository of bodies in suspended animation. But what does the 'Great Healer' really have in mind for them...?
22 - 1Attack of the Cybermen (1) January 05, 1985
22 - 2Attack of the Cybermen (2) January 12, 1985
22 - 3Vengeance on Varos (1) January 19, 1985
22 - 4Vengeance on Varos (2) January 26, 1985
22 - 5The Mark of the Rani (1) February 02, 1985
22 - 6The Mark of the Rani (2) February 09, 1985
22 - 7The Two Doctors (1) February 16, 1985
22 - 8The Two Doctors (2) February 23, 1985
22 - 9The Two Doctors (3) March 02, 1985
22 - 10Timelash (1) March 09, 1985
22 - 11Timelash (2) March 16, 1985
22 - 12Revelation of the Daleks (1) March 23, 1985
22 - 13Revelation of the Daleks (2) March 30, 1985